Anna McNay
Suki Chan: Lucida
16 September – 22 October 2016
“Of eye and ear, both what they
And what perceive”
(Wordsworth, Lines
Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey)
Suki Chan
(b1977, Hong Kong) has long been interested in the relationship between the
human eye, the brain and vision. Initially, she says, she thought of the eye as
a camera, with a shutter, film and lens, but then she realised it was actually
more like a camera obscura, and that the image was impoverished – thus, as
Wordsworth notes, the image we ultimately perceive in the brain is partially
perceived, partially created. After further research, she ultimately concluded
that the human eye most closely resembles a camera lucida – an instrument in
which rays of light are reflected by a prism to produce an image on a sheet of
paper, from which a drawing can be made.
Read the rest of this review here