Anna McNay
Interview: Anna Dumitriu
Anna Dumitriu
trained as a painter, gaining a masters in painting from Brighton in 1996. With an interest in bacteria and imagery taken from cell biology, she soon
sought out a scientist with whom to collaborate, and learned to handle bacteria
– including tuberculosis and methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
Now with almost 15 years’ experience, she is widely respected within the
microbiology sphere as one of the team, despite never undergoing any formal
training. Her art projects set out to explore and tell stories, to raise
questions and to bring the general public into dialogue with scientists and
medical professionals about issues that increasingly affect them, but which are
often shrouded in mystery – and myth.
Two of
Dumitriu’s works have recently been added to the Eden Project’s new permanent
exhibition, Invisible
You: The Human Microbiome, Studio International spoke to her about what it
is like to work on the crossover of science and art.
Read this interview here