Anna McNay
Rubin: Delivering Newspapers
January – 26 March 2015
Gideon Rubin (born Tel Aviv, 1973) is a painter. Or is
he? Certainly he uses paint, but his source materials are photographs – both
from family albums and old magazines and newspapers (all found at flea markets,
featuring anonymous strangers) – and his recent finished pieces, painted
directly on to these images, often leave as much – if not more – of the
original underneath to show through. Even upon close study, it is not always
easy to tell whether the pattern on the shirt is painted or photographed and
whether the colour of the hair ribbon is as it was or changed. Rubin
deliberately obscures and obfuscates, blurring the boundaries between painting
and photography and questioning the very nature of truth, so often
unwaiveringly placed in the eye of the camera.
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